Sunday, September 12, 2010

I did it ALONE!

For years I've been thinking of watching movie alone... End up I did it yesterday and today, two days in a row. Friday - Grown Ups. Saturday - Step Up 3. Like what my sister say, we just think too much compare to other people, because of the background of our family and the old days.

Every single things I'm having now is earned by me alone, not much supports given by my family cause my parents want us to earn ourself. Currently doing some planning for myself for the next 5 years. Hopefully everything will goes smooth. Getting more focus on my job and life since the day I quit playing computer games. Working like change a man's mind.

Like what my parents, boss and colleague said... I need to put more effort and starts to get more life! My boss even say this line to me "GO GET A LIFE!" I was thinking like "zzz..."

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